Getting Ready for an Outdoor Vacation
Vacationing outdoors, including camping or glamping, is a wonderful way to get in touch with nature and help you reconnect with the world around you.
While nature can be a balm for stress and overwork, there are several things you should keep in mind if you want to ensure that your outdoor vacation goes smoothly. vacation outdoors. These include safety, the activities you may or may not want to do, and your itinerary. Read on to learn more.

Deciding How to Spend Your Vacation
Before you go on any vacation, you’ll want to create an itinerary (there are free templates you can use for this!). If you’re going to be gone for seven days, what do you plan to do during that time? Are there specific activities you want to make time for throughout the trip, or do you just want a lot of free time to explore?
Write down the things you want to do, like biking, hiking, boating, and camping, along with any of the items you need to bring with you. That way, you’ll be prepared for your favorite activities when the time comes. Leave the itinerary with family or friends so they know where you are.
Staying Safe While Camping
Staying safe while camping is sometimes a challenge, but there are things you can do to protect yourself:
- Check the weather. If bad storms are expected, consider staying inside instead.
- Carry mace or a weapon. Depending on where you are, you may want to carry a weapon with you to protect yourself against bears or other predators.
- Have emergency food and water supply. In case you get lost or stuck where you are longer than expected, bring extra food and water with you.
- Pack a first-aid kit. Don’t get caught off-guard by an injury. Carry a first-aid kit complete with an Epi-Pen or Albuterol for asthma and allergies (if you or someone you’re traveling with has them).
- Prepare for cold nights. Even if the days are hot, the nights might get cold. Bring appropriate changes of clothing and the right kind of sleeping bag.
These tips can help you stay safe even when the going gets tough.
Preparing to Take Off Time From Work
Preparing to take time off is one of the steps you need to take if you’re going to go vacationing outside and be off the grid. If you’re not going to be accessible, then you should inform your colleagues and clients before you go. You should also consider hiring a virtual assistant to help with work while you’re gone or to help you get additional work done before you leave.
Planning for Contingencies
Always have a contingency plan. Your outdoor adventure might get cut short by weather or other unforeseen circumstances, but you can quickly book a hotel or AirBnB, for example, to extend your time away from home and be safe at the same time. Have a backup plan in case you find that camping isn’t working out for you.
Get Ready for Your Outdoor Vacation
The nice thing about camping outside is that you can go at almost any time. Let your employer know you’ll be gone or inform your clients that you’ll be away from work, and then pack up for your time away. You can find camping checklists for any camping adventure online.